Max Card

Max Card is the UK’s leading discount initiative for looked-after children and children and young people with additional needs (up to 25). There are 3000 attractions across the UK that offer discounted access to card holders.

To qualify for a card you need to live in the Bradford Council area and your child/young person needs to be in receipt of DLA or PIP at any level. Cards cost £5 for two years if you pay by Bank Transfer, or £5.30 if you pay by PayPal, including postage.

Please choose from the following two options. Payment instructions are included in the form. Please note that we do not have automated payments, so after filling in the form, you will need to pay straight away by Bank Transfer or PayPal.

Max Card Renewal (for when your card has expired and you bought it from us)

Max Card Application Form (for your first card or if you have had a card before but bought it from another organisation)

Update 11/09/23 Not Currently Available – We can now offer the option to pay via PayPal. You can use this to pay with a debit or credit card, as well as from a PayPal account. If you would like to do this, please complete one of the forms, above, then use this link to pay. Please note that there is an extra charge of 30p to use this payment method.

To read the instructions on the form in Polish, Urdu or Punjabi, please click here and then click the translate button in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Read our Max Card FAQs here

The CEA Card enables a disabled cinema guest to receive a complimentary ticket for someone to go with them when they visit a participating cinema. We do not issue these, they can be obtained by applying online and you can do that here.

Max Card

Just want to thank you for your patience, if you are still waiting for your max cards I can only apologise.

We have struggled to obtain stock of max cards, however they have finally been delivered!

I have completely caught up with all orders now and they are being posted today!

We thank you again for understanding,

Hope you enjoy using your cards!

If you are having any issues with payment please drop me an email or call!

We are currently looking at around a 3/4 week turnaround due to issues with stock! Sorry for any inconvenience!

To find out more about where you can use the card, visit