This page shows the instructions for applying for and paying for a Max Card. If you click on Translate in the bottom left corner, it will change the text to read in Polish, Urdu or Punjabi.
Please complete the form below to apply for a Max Card. If you have more than one child with additional needs, you may apply for more than one card, but we will need to see DLA/PIP evidence for each child. Cards can be issued to young people up to the age of 23, as they can be used up to the age of 25.
Please attached a photo or scanned copy of your DLA/PIP letter to this application (name MUST be clearly visible). Evidence must be provided. Failure to provide evidence will make your application void. Please note that once we have verified your evidence we will destroy or delete what you have sent us.
Please allow up to two weeks for your card to be sent to you, following your payment.
**We can only issue a card if you live in the Bradford Council area and your child/young person receives or DLA or PIP at any level. If you live outside the Bradford council area you may still apply for a card if your child attends a school within the area. If this applies to you, please put the name of your child’s school in the comments box. If you are in doubt, please email to ask first – it can take quite a while to refund a payment made to us in error!
Cards currently cost £4.00 each including postage if you pay by bank transfer, or £4.30 each if you pay by PayPal. If you apply for more than one card, you only need to pay for postage once if the cards are all going to the same address. Details of how to pay are at the bottom of this form. Unfortunately we are not high-tech enough to have automated payments, so this will need to be set up via your internet or telephone banking.
Filling in this form will give you an automatic membership to the Parents’ Forum for Bradford and Airedale. We will use your contact details to add you to our database to receive news and updates about our meetings and activities, and information relating to disability. Your postcode, ethnicity and child’s age, condition and type of education will be used to monitor our membership. Continuing to submit this form denotes your understanding of this statement.
All information provided will be treated in strictest confidence and will not be made available to any other source without written approval in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulation 2018. You can read our policy here:
Bank Transfer – Max Cards are priced at £4.00 for a 2 year subscription, which includes postage. We have heard that occasionally there are problems setting us up as a payee on internet banking. If this happens, please try putting in the payee field as much of Parents Forum for Bradford and Airedale as possible. If that doesn’t work, try PFBA. If neither works then please let me know,
Account number 00020989, Sort code 40-52-40, Account name Parents’ Forum for Bradford and Airedale (PFBA) Please add a reference, which should be your child’s last name, as stated above. This will enable us to match your payment to your application.
PayPal – paying for cards this way costs £4.30 due to the fees charged. You can pay via this link.