As a parent of a child or young person with additional needs, were you aware of this change? Were you invited to give your views? What are your thoughts on the process being online only? Let us know at

Changes to the Education, Health and Care Assessment process

On 14 September 2021, the SEND Integrated Assessment Team will move to the online Capita SEND Portal for the purposes of processing referrals for Education, Health and Care Assessments.

If you wish to submit a referral you will need to action the appropriate section of the portal:

Parents and Carers via the Citizen Portal

Professionals via the Professional Portal

From 14th September 2021 we will no longer accept referrals via any other source and any received will be returned with a request to resubmit on the Portal.

If you experience any difficulties, please call us on 01274 435750 or email:

Further information about the EHC Assessment process can be found on the Local Offer