Earlier this year we held our first listening event in partnership with Bradford Council and CCG. This event was a great starting point to engage with parents as 15 families from the Bradford area joined us. The event was also attended by over 20 professionals from Education, Health and Social Care who were able to give information on services available to SEND families and listen to what parents had to say.
We are committed to continuing to hold these events quarterly. The next event is on the 22nd April 2021 10:00am – 12:30pm. The session will be held online. The focus will be Health and Social Care and two families will share their experiences of accessing services in the Bradford district.
We would like to encourage parents/ carers to send questions in advance of the meeting around SEND and their experiences and we will work with services to provide as many answers as possible on the day. We will be improving on what we learnt at the last session, in terms of timing and allowing all parents who want to ask questions to do so.
If you would like to take part in this event please register your place (https://pfba.wufoo.com/forms/q15vmnw40me26cz ), places are limited to 50 parent/carers to assist with administration on the day. You can send us your questions using this form. Anonymous questions and answers will be shared to all Parent/ carers registered with the PFBA after the event and on the Local offer.
If you are unable to attend but want to receive the feedback from the event direct to your inbox, or if you have any questions before the event, please email supportnews@pfba.org.uk.