Responding to Covid 19 – Innovation and best practice in the education, health and care sector during the pandemic

The Council for Disabled Children is pleased to share a series of resources with learning and good practice on how children’s health, care and education services have adapted and innovated in response to Covid-19 whilst continuing to provide high levels of care for children with SEND.

You can find these here


SENDIASS are recruiting young people to be a part of their new and exciting young person’s focus group!
The group will meet once a month via zoom to discuss any educational topics such as changes to school, worries about school and positives/negatives in your education. Most importantly they will discuss any changes you would like to see happen to your education.

There will be plenty of fun games, a place to make new friends and a chance to have a say about your future!

See flyer here


Distance learning sessions

‘We Find Any Learner’ are now open again and able to offer free courses while maintaining social distancing. They offer courses that are nationally recognised and have been designed around a flexible learning delivery model and can be completed paper based or on a computer. This means learners do not have to attend a classroom but will still receive support throughout their learning journey.

To qualify for funding and get this course for free, you simply need be aged 19 or over as of 31st of August 2020, reside in England and have been living in the EU for the last three years or more and not currently completing another government funded course

To see the courses available and to book a place, visit their website here



Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust have developed a series of videos to help people with learning disabilities and those supporting them during the Covid-19 pandemic. The series includes videos explaining what the coronavirus is and how it is transmitted, what lockdown rules mean and strategies for coping with anxiety, worry and loss (grief).

The team at Surrey and Borders have kindly agreed to make these available on YouTube so that they can be used more widely to help all those who might benefit.

A playlist for the 20 videos for people with learning disabilities can be found here

A playlist for the 13 videos for families/ carers / support staff can be found here 



Adele Jones, the PFBA’s Engagement Manager, attended the All Party Parliamentary Group for SEND yesterday. She says “five MPs heard powerful accounts about education and covid from an eloquent young man with autism, a special school headteacher who mentions the difficulties welcoming back children who required suction and a letter written by an autistic teenage girl about her struggles with the system and how it doesn’t support her. It was very powerful and definitely resonated with me. I wanted to share the video with you all”.

You can view that here