A good infographic for preparing your child for the first day back at school, produced by traumainformedschools.co.uk is here.
Government advice for supporting children and young people during the covid crisis is here.
The Healthy Minds service, which offers support and guidance on mental health issues in the Bradford and Craven areas is here.
Grief and Loss Support Service – open to people in West Yorkshire and Harrogate, the service will be the first point of contact for anyone suffering any form of grief and loss, or those worried about losing someone, whether this relates to a family member, friend or member of their community. It is also available to those feeling impacted by the deaths of public figures and/or the volume of deaths across the country. A loss may not have been directly caused by the virus, for example, someone may have been unable to visit a loved one during an illness or see them in their final days. Get more information from their website, here.
**We recently had an IT crash and lost all our website posts from the last 5 months. We have restored what we think are the most important of these, and grouped them together by topic.