The Local Offer page for the Bradford area has frequent updates with items that parents of disabled and SEN children may find interesting. You can read their latest news here.

You may have attended one of the Council’s parental engagement events earlier this year. They produced “You Said, We Did” documents to show the feedback that they received at these, and you can read them here.

Parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and young people themselves, will benefit from a new joint approach to service provision across Bradford district. Bradford Council and NHS Bradford District and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have jointly commissioned the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) following a recent tender process. Read more about that here.



**We recently had an IT crash and lost all our website posts from the last 5 months. We have restored what we think are the most important of these, and grouped them together by topic.