Here’s a round-up of some of the stories and news we have shared on our social media recently…….
This week (15-21 November) is Self-Care week – health and care partners across Bradford district and Craven are encouraging people of all ages to attend free events taking place across the district, to find out how they can take greater control of their health. To find out more, and do a short quiz about your health, visit their website.
Bradford Council are running a series of “Open House” events, to get feedback on various aspects of disability and SEN provision in the district. The topics being looked at this week are:
- Local Offer Refresh– This session will look at how we will continue to improve our Local Offer, allowing families easy access to the information, advice and support services available to them across the District.
- Short Breaks – This session will look at how we take forward your recommendations from the Short Breaks review to ensure all children and young people with SEND are able to access the appropriate Short Breaks for their needs.
- Family Finance – This session will look at how we will allow for families in Bradford to access the most appropriate finances through Direct Payments and Personal Budgets to support their needs.
- Brokerage Services – This session will look at how a Brokerage team can best support families gain access to the Services that will meet their needs.
- Bradford Marketplace – This session will look at how we create a ‘market place’ to ensure children and young people with SEND can access the appropriate services to meet their needs.
- Young Persons Voice – This session will look at how partners across Bradford will ensure that the voice of children and young people is captured in all we do.
- Employment, Training and Education – This session will look at how we will ensure all young people in Bradford with SEND have an appropriate ETE plan and the opportunities to meet their aspirations
- Workforce Development – This session will look at what training and support we need to provide to all professionals working with children and young people with SEND in Bradford.
- Performance and Insight – This session will look at what data we need to monitor to ensure we are meeting the needs of children and young people with SEND in Bradford.
For the links to join the sessions, please visit the website here.
The Autism Education Trust has produced a useful factsheet about school exclusions which you can download here.
The ADHD Foundation a webinar taking place on Wednesday evening, 17th November. The two key speakers are Suzy Rowland, author of “SEND in the Clowns” and Colin Foley, training director of the ADHD Foundation. To book a place click here.
Kooth and Qwell are holding an online session to look at mental health support for men and boys, on Wednesday 17th November between 4pm and 5 pm. You can book a place here.